Friday, May 22, 2009

New Line of Stationery!

Wow... it's a been a little while but I have been busy launching a line of illustrated note cards. Showed at the Atlanta Gift Mart in January and it's been busy since then.

Now I have launched the consumer site that has my note cards, Purrfect Occasions notes and pre-matted prints. There's more to come! Please visit...

All those little kitties were done in colored pencil. Someone at the trade show said I needed 40 of them. I said, fine, I'll be back in two years. Not.


obat ginjal said...

kunjungan pagi gan

Obat Sakit Tenggorokan said...

Ijin share ya bro, kalau memang gak sayang kagak usah bilang cinta percuma saja akhirnya menyakitkan.. goyang asyyiiikkkk

I'm the one who keeps hugging you tightly, when you think it's possible to turn away, i'm the one who will calm the storm to stay strong you walk later

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