Well, I just can't seem to get off this theme at the moment. It's partly because I have 'artist's block'. But this process is so enjoyable, and that's part of the point, isn't it?
Such a fuzzy guy. Wanted to try another one on drafting film. This one about 7" x 7" in colored pencil. Photo came out a bit intense and contrasty, but there are a lot of colors used in the hair.
I wanted to do something looser in pastel. This is 11" x 21" and is an old shed in some nearby woods. I see, now, the photo posted is too dark where some of the inner shed does not show detail. I'll fix that tomorrow.
I think I am finished. What fun! Totally different experience working on the drafting film. Would not work for all subject matter, but wonderful for fur.
This is Quincy. The Papillion. Happiest dog in the world. I wanted to try out a new sample of the Richeson pastel paper. The background was a rust color, a perfect fit for the Man. Only 5" x 7". Soft Pastels.
I did this subject last year in oil, and wanted to try it in pastel. A departure from my usual approach, with lots of multi-color hatch work to achieve color and tone. 12" x 11".
And as I notice now, I seem to have a lower right corner that needs some pastel!
Perhaps one of the most famous places to eat in Nashville, TN. Remember, those state highway motel motor courts, with all the little separate buildings in a semi-circle, each with a motel room inside? This restaurant remains and serves the best biscuits, preserves, and country ham.
I am finally pleased to say this is finished. A long and winding road. But I really enjoyed this one. The grille was a little tedious, and by the time I hit the fourth headlight, it was deja vu.
This has maybe ceased to be exciting, as this is just one more step. Haven't worked on it much lately, but this weekend... watch out! Sometimes it gets difficult on the downhill side.... But now we have most of the grille and another headlight...
I did this in oils a while back.... but had to take a break from the Caddy below. So this was looser and faster and fun. Terrible photo... too soft. (good camera is with the son this weekend)
Well it would seem that it has been awhile since I posted. Am onto another car. Gorgeous vintage Caddy that is in pastel... about 30 x 20. I must say the grille is taking some time....
The ol' lemons in the plastic bag trick. I really enjoyed doing this one. This is the kind of painting where you can keep going and going... there's always one more spot to do. I think I will do some more of these, as I am captivated by the plastic.
Ever have avoidance mechanisms come into play? This was an evening computer-generated delaying tactic. I did three! I just could not paint - it was way too late, or so it seemed at the time.
This small 12 x 12 oil is an historic building on Main Street in Franklin, TN, a town with Civil War origins. The painting will hang in ElmTree Gallery right across the street from the drugstore. The store is long gone, but the sign remains.
Okay. One more. This song just stuck in my head, so what was one to do? Every single thing in the painting reflects some portion of the lyrics in the song.
I'm in the process of finishing up a rather tight, realistic painting and it's taking a while. So in the meantime, a little rebellion against studied concentration. It's fun to let 'er rip.
A wild and crazy experiment. I enjoy doing ink drawings, although I don't post many of them on the blog. I was ready to paint this as a realistic oil (which I will still do), and got the hair-brained idea to do the ink drawing on cradled art board and color it with acrylics. Best part - no glass or framing required.
Perhaps the technique will have interesting possiblities... who knows.
This was my Mother's favorite little coffee pot, an old drip-style model that predated those new-fangled percolators. Made just 2 cups. I keep it in the cupboard and can't bear to let it go.